wind turbine size relative to Statue of Liberty

Height comparison between turbines proposed for Glebe Mountain (Londonderry, Vt.) and some other tall structures.
wind turbine sizes relative to other structures

Nineteen of these giants are currently proposed for Glebe Mountain. When the wind blows, their visual impact will be aggrandized by the 153' blades turning at 168 mph, their noise added to that of the gears and electromagnets of the generators and the yaw and pitch motors. Strobe lights day and night, as well as the incongruity of such an industrial installation on a wild mountain top, will help ensure their visual intrusion.

The complete facility will have a rated capacity of 47.5 megawatts (MW) but is likely to contribute less than 4 MW* to the grid's needs, and that only to peak load balancing, not at all to the deeper problem of base load demand.

*The likely average output in Vermont is 25% of capacity, and the capacity credit, the ability of a facility to replace other plants on the system, is typically calculated for wind power to be about a third of the average output, or in this case one twelfth of the rated capacity.


It's not the view, it's the vision.